Special Conditions

Your local sewage enforcement officer(SEO) will ensure your isolation distances are maintained and cleanouts installed, but the SEO will NOT be there for the entire construction project! Having trust in your contractor is paramount when the inspector is not on site.

Will your contractor.....
*use reinforced pipe when required, or
*maintain proper grades before entry into tanks, or
*insure your tank is properly installed on aggregate?

Choosing your excavation contractor should NOT be an option of your general contractor when it comes to septic systems. Trouble free operation of your system depends on it! Does your contractor use the improper cost cutting methods? If so, you WILL be experiencing problems sometime in the future.

For more help and information contact Tighe's Earth Moving at:

tighesem@aol.com or call 814-434-0954

Original Design by Earl Ponder | Modified and Maintained by AJ Design and Technologies
© 2019 Tighe's Earth Moving